Meditation Journeys: A New Experience
There is no you and I. There is no we and them. There is not even a “US”.
Everything that we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell that is perceived as distinctly different entity from ourselves is just a false image, a play of mind. This whole world, our lives, our dreams are all a projection of mind. The images that play in your mind on reading these lines are also a projection of the same mind.
Take a step back from the mind’s projections. Close your eyes, close all your sense organs from the external world and take a step back into your own essential existence. Once you do this, you will notice that even our definition of ourselves is just a projection. That all our perceptions are exactly like a movie being projected by a device. As soon as you take this step back, you will also notice that you are a part of a single larger entity, that the whole existence is this single entity. This single entity encompasses everything, and it is characterized by an absence of everything: no thoughts, no pain, no distinction, no mind, no chatter, no nothing. The only thing that is present is the sheer existence of “being”. Here, we “are”. Just existing. In fact, without the “we” part because there is nobody. It is just “being”.
Coming back to my surroundings, I am scared, astonished, and pained to realize that we waste our lives in pursuits of non-existential things: towards money, love, pleasure. We laugh, we cry, we feel pain, we feel envious, we feel jealous… all for nothing. All our dreams and aspirations, goals and plannings are a mirage created by the mind. That ideal job, those millions in bank accounts, those travels to exotic locations, that perfect partner — all are just images created by the mind. We live our lives chasing mirages, jumping from and landing at the same point, rejoicing at touching these mirages or getting depressed at failing to touch these. But essentially, actually, in reality, we are all trapped at a singular point within this projection of mind. We are entrapped within and by our minds.
I don’t know the reason of this entrapment, not yet. But experiencing these things, I understand that our only goal in life has to be to take this step back from our mind-life, a step towards experience and knowing that we just “are”, that we are a part of the limitless whole and yet the whole in ourselves.
Afterthought: I am scared that I will lose this feeling, this experience. I am scared that I will, once again, get caught in torrid affairs of mind-games in daily life. But I will try to get out of here, will try to take this step back, to get this truth as a permanent accessible state. I have to. There is nothing else.