Into the ocean of nothingness…
Sitting by a lake
I look at the ripples forming on its surface
Immediately a thought crosses the mind
I begin to think
These ripples are disturbances of my mind;
Thoughts that never find rest.
I decide to reach the centre point, the bindu
By subsiding the ripples, one at a time.
The mind gradually starts to recoil in that state
The ripples are slowly dying out;
The bindu is gently getting into sight…
The bindu is Pure Consciousness, Shiva
There is absolutely no motion in the Pure Consciousness
It is stillness.
It is ultimate peace.
It is eternal bliss.
It is the state of Samadhi.
I am cutting down the wave like ripples of my mind to reach Shiva
I want to lose this sense of individuality; it’s a baggage to carry anyway
And want to become one with Shiva
To become His very state of Samadhi.
I am cautious, as any slightest disturbance can pull me off this state
I am carefully treading the water;
Slowly closing the gates behind as I walk ahead;
I reach the bindu — the point of ‘singularity’
It is tinier than the tiniest
But there is still duality
It is separate from me
I stay there, holding the thought yet not holding it.
And then… the bindu just disappears into nothingness
A vast ocean of nothingness.
There is absolute quiescence
A calmness of free flowing space
In this flows a thought, “Oh it’s a precious feeling, have I reached it?
I let it pass
It is easy this time, because I am free like space…
The noise is of the mind, but in this moment there is none…
Just a vast ocean of nothingness…
That I have become.
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